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2000. The Rowdies

In the late 1960's and early 1970's, a group of young westerners were fortunate to spend time with Sathya Sai Baba in India. In the early 2000's, some of them met in Feathered Pipe Ranch, Helena, Montana, USA, and this video, taken at that time, shows their remarkable story.

Taking part in this story are Howard Levin (first of the five to speak), Bruce Bradbury, Wendel Field, Robert Conger, and Martin Stamp. Others of that group, like Jerry Bass and Phil Gosselin, were not present.

Michelle Malvin Kaplowitz asks the rowdies questions, and we hear chuckling from Vijay Marsha Supera Huffman, sister of India Supera, owner of Feathered Pipe Ranch.

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