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Christmas 2006, with discourse

Christmas Eve
In the evening, a children's choir and then a choir of adults sing Christmas carols and songs of praise for Sathya Sai Babaon this special Christmas eve. Sai Baba blesses the conductors of the two choirs with saris.


Christmas Day
Students of the Primary School presented a violin programme, and the Institute Brass Band followed with a thrilling performance. Singing of carols then commenced. At the end of the performances, Sathya Sai Baba walked around and looked at the splendid cakes that had been baked for the occasion.


Earn Eternal Peace With Eternal Truth

On 25 December, Christmas Day, John Behner talks about Swami curing his eye. He then introduces two speakers: Arthur Hillcoat, who speaks of Jesus and of the need for Love, and Father Charles Ogada, who talks about how Swami came to him and about the great Power in His name.

Just before minute 21, Swami begins His discourse. Swami says that Jesus said, "“All are one; be alike to everyone.” We should love all and take everyone into our fold. God assumes different forms in consonance with the inner feelings of the devotees.

Swami talks about his trip to East Africa in the 1960s.

He asks us to be courteous and loving, saying that Love is the form of God and we can experience God's love only with lovefrom our side.

Read the discourse:    pdf

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